
Discuss Two Examples Of Archetypes In Shrek

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Through the use of archetypes in the film Shrek, the theme of wrongful prejudices is portrayed. An archetype refers to an original model or pattern from which other later copies are made, especially a character, an action, or a situation that represents common patterns of human life. These patterns are often depicted in fairytale due to their trend of a theme. The archetype of transformation is evident in the storyline of Shrek. Despite the many examples of transformation in the movie Shrek, one of the most significant illustrations is in Princess Fiona’s change in perspective. When Princess Fiona is rescued by Shrek from her imprisonment with the dragon, she is surprised to find that her knight in shining armor is an ogre. She always had a preconceived notion that her rescuer must be a handsome prince, not a grimy monster. When Princess Fiona was just a young child, she had been cursed by a witch. Every time night would fall, she would transform into an ogre until she experienced a true love’s kiss. Princess Fiona was disgusted with the creature she became after dark; She thought she was a hideous animal who no one could ever love. That is why she was so bent on …show more content…

She was taken aback by Shrek’s kind and friendly ways considering he was an ogre: something she had always thought of as an evil, gross monster. Shrek showed Princess Fiona to be proud of who she is. He made her realize that her exterior beauty does not define who she is as a person. Princess Fiona threw away her prejudices and learned to accept herself throughout the plot of the movie. She went from being insecure about who she was to welcoming her true identity with open arms The end of the movie shows Princess Fiona transforming into who she was meant to be: an ogre. She has learned to love herself despite her peculiar aspects, which is the most important transformation of

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