Examples Of Archetypes In The Hobbit

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The Hobbit fits the archetypal pattern of a quest adventures. I know this because first in archetypal pattern is the call to adventure.At this stage he usually finds a helper. In the story Gandalf asks Bilbo if he wants to go on an adventure.Bilbo declines and Gandalf puts a queer sign on the door that only the dwarves can see.The sign said that there was a burglar for hire.Then the dwarves came uninvited to his house Bilbo not knowing why they are coming. In the end Bilbo agreed to go on the adventure and the dwarves are Bilbo’s helpers.The next part of the archetypal pattern of a quest adventures is the threshold of adventure. When Bilbo crosses the threshold to adventure is when he goes around the Misty Mountains trying to get to the land