The Hobbit Literary Analysis Essay

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The Hobbit Literary Analysis Would you be able to step out of your comfort zone for the sake of adventure and a promise of treasure? This was the predicament Bilbo Baggins is unexpectedly presented with one sunny afternoon. Thirteen dwarves appear at his door and put forward their offer. Bilbo is a little apprehensive at first but soon comes to the realization that in his ordinary life of a Hobbit in the Shire he will never get another opportunity like this again. When reading The Hobbit, being able to step out of your comfort zone is a major key. J. R. R. Tolkien’s book The Hobbit is a novel that is not only showing a heroic quest, but is a fantasy and satire. It is written in the third person, almost exclusively from Bilbo, the protagonist's …show more content…

When Bilbo finds the ring it changes him forever, for he is able to do things he would have never done before or even dream of doing. When Bilbo faces tough situations the ring always gets him by, and after he has come out the victor, he feels accomplished and more confident of his skills. After going through this process countless times his skills in battle and intelligence increase, as well as his self esteem and respect. The ring in this specific book symbolizes change. Bilbo’s change from a hesitant, powerless hobbit to a confident human being capable of most anything. It completely alters Bilbo and turns him from a static into a dynamic character throughout the book. Another very important symbol in the novel is The arkenstone. The arkenstone is also known as “The heart of the mountain.” The stone was found years ago by Thrain the Old which is Thorin’s ancestor. It has been said by many to have its own light. The stone in this story represents multiple things in the book. It represents Thorin’s greed and remembrance of his childhood when he still thrived with his people in the mountain, that is the reason it is so precious to him and why the dwarves decide to bury it with him. It also represents The lonely

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