The Hero In The Hobbit By J. R. Tolkien

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The book The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, is a well written adventure book, that aims to teach children that anyone one can be a hero, no matter their size and never underestimate someone's capability. For example, in the book The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, is small and most of the time look down upon. Until it is his time to show the world that sometimes no one is going to come to the rescue. You have to pull yourself up, and become your own hero. Mr. Baggins learns the hard way when his friends the dwarves and their wizard friend Gandalf are either gone or trapped and he has to figure out how to save them. But that’s enough spoilers. Mr. Tolkien was a philologist, and he spent most of his life creating and construction languages of his own. Tolkien