Are Rules Necessary In Lord Of The Flies

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A society is an organized group of people living as members of a community. In order for a society to function, rules must exist. Rules are needed to prevent chaos, to provide boundaries, and to stop the spread of fear and hate. One reason that rules are needed in a society is to prevent chaos; people need order because order is part of what makes a society. For example, if red lights didn’t exist, there would be confusion. Who should stop? Who should go? The presence of the red light prevents chaos. Simple rules like this keep people safe. This is something Ralph tries to set up for the boys in Lord of the Flies. He suggests that a conch should be used in meetings so that all the boys won’t talk at once. It works for a while; the boys take turns and pass the conch around. The one holding it can talk. They are able to have thoughtful, civilized conversations because of this rules. However, when Jack takes over and the conch isn’t used anymore, there is chaos. All the boys talk at once. No one can hear the other; nothing can get accomplished. Also, Ralph attempts to set up a system of …show more content…

Rules prevent chaos and make a society civilized. Another reason that rules are needed in a society is because they provide boundaries for people in the form of consequences. If a person drives 95 on Highway 165, there may be a consequence--a ticket. If a person steals money from a convenience store, there may be a consequence--jail time. Without rules, people could do what they want. Bad people do exist and, inevitably, will do bad things; they will steal, kill, and destroy things. With rules, people must behave in a certain way; this limits the behavior of bad people. In the novel, there were no consequences for the boys, so when Jack created his gang, nothing could be done. They didn’t care about the rules because there were no