Are Ye Truly Free By James Russell

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In his poem “Are Ye Truly Free,” James Russell utilizes rhetorical devices to address the idea of freedom, and how it is often misinterpreted in society. The poem begins with a rhetorical question, “Are ye truly free?” This creates an immediate sense of uncertainty and invites the reader to explore the poem further. The answer to the rhetorical question is revealed in the second stanza, “But freedom is not in boundless wealth, Nor yet in rank, nor yet in health.” Russell is suggesting that freedom is not defined by material possessions, social status, or physical health, but rather by an internal sense of freedom that comes from within. This is further emphasized in the third stanza, “Freedom is a state of mind, That fears no fetters, chains, nor bind.” Russell is emphasizing that true freedom comes from the ability to think and act independently, without being hindered by external forces. The poem ends with the phrase, “Then are ye truly free.” This serves as a reminder that true freedom is an internal experience, and not something that can be attained through external means. …show more content…

By utilizing a rhetorical question to introduce the poem, Russell immediately captures the reader’s attention and encourages them to explore the concept of freedom further. He then goes on to explain that freedom does not come from material possessions, status, or health, but from within. The poem ends with a reminder that true freedom is an internal experience, and not something that can be attained through external means. Russell’s use of rhetorical devices effectively conveys his message that true freedom is something that must be sought and achieved