Argument Essay: The Great American Melting Pot

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As a quote from the poem “The New Colossus” states “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” We should remember the grounds in which our forefathers created the basis of this great land in which we live. This great land, the United States of America, has also been referred to as “The Great American Melting Pot”, a land where anyone from any ethnic background can come and share their cultures and dreams and practice their freedoms as one.

Restrictions are an important factor to consider when talking about immigration. As great as our country is, we have to strive to keep it that …show more content…

Nonetheless, I also think that we need to control the number of immigrants to ensure that they can be suitably integrated into American society. As stated by Baron Von Ottomatic, "Think of it in the context of admission to an elite university. Every year there are tens of thousands of high school graduates who would benefit greatly from being accepted to Harvard or Yale or M.I.T.. Yet those schools don’t just let anyone who manages to wander onto their campuses attend classes and, after hanging around campus long enough, deem the folks who self-admitted themselves worthy of a diploma. Nay, those institutions have a rigorous screening process through which they identify a select few students who meet their standards for admission. If those elite institutions were bound by the same principles as our immigration policy then anyone who took it upon themselves to enter onto the campus would be tolerated, sanctuary dormitories established, and their uninvited presence welcomed until such future time when a diploma is bestowed upon them for their plucky indifference to the rules."

The candidates for this year’s Presidential elections have also been discussing the idea of border walls. Border walls, in my opinion, are not going to be effective. People already have their way of coming across the borders illegally without a wall. If we were to build a