Similarities Between Americans And White Americans

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The video introduces the idea of “in between people. These in between people were of European Decent and could be transformed into Americans by Americanizing them into the White American. They would be apart of a term known as the “melting pot”. A melting of all European Descent to mold them into Americans. Italians, Germans and other European could be apart of the American way of life by being taught the language and customs. This melting pot exclude black people, chinese, puerto ricans, and other people of color. They could never fit or be apart of the pot. Race in some cases in this time of Americanizing is fluid only if you can fit in the white American life style. The races with fairer skin are more fluid and can pass for white American. …show more content…

For example, Black and chinese are race that American considered not apart of Americanization. They are considered static and undesirable races that got no freedom compared to the European immigrants who got more acceptance. This shows us that raced can change, but only by what the Americans thought could be changed and what races were fixed. In this case, Europeans could be changed,but not colored people. The melting pot helps us understand that there was a lot of white supremacy at the time and America really only valued the white American and no one else. It also shows us all the other races that go left behind during this time. It was still a time where freedom wasn’t given to everyone. The people of color can’t go into the pot and become Americanized but they could help the flame the pot and help it burn. In other worlds, people of color were more people who could work for low wages and do grunt work. Like for example, When American workers went on strike colored people were given jobs so employers didn’t have to pay minimum wage to their