Argumentative Essay About Christmas

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The likelihood of me answering the current debate question (s) which has been gifted a three week time-span this time round, to the book; is as likely as a fat old pensioner dressed in red and white popping down your chimney, and emptying his sack of goodies. You'd better stop reading if you're particularly vulnerable to fact, or of a certain disposition; for one of my inexhaustible traits is to cause offence by highlighting social disease. To put it bluntly, it's like a doctor being told off for being competent in diagnosing illnesses and coming up with viable remedies.

Christmas via definition is a beacon to our social ills over the centuries; even the question of whether Christmas is a religious or commercial holiday is an example of our mismanagement of the truth. In reality, it's neither, religious, commercial or a sojourn - it's another day, neither it is particularly different from any other. I'm generous everyday of the year, too altruistic I'll say, compared to others. A few days ago, I …show more content…

L Mencken did in the 1920s : reclaiming democracy from the mob mentality. Suffice to say the populous will find the rate of change incoherent and intolerable if the status quo simply allowed illogical, undemocratic mantra to filter into our mindsets. It won't be a case of tossing oneself into a brave new world, but an ideological world that's incompatible to what we know and adore today. The average man does not want to be free really... free from relative comfort, or security... oh no, we're all the same, derived from the warm repose of a womb, just wanting to be safe. To wholeheartedly ignore this de facto is a blight on humanity, our 'Westminster bubble' have been shambolic to those in need and continue to do so; I'm sure our European cousins will offer a hand of unified support in 2017, highlighting the monstrous incompetence of a deplorable administration - making the UK wake up and smell the coffee, that's what friends are