Change In Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles

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In every human society change is a key factor in the success of the society. In order for the society to change for the better, the citizens must want like the idea of change and must want to help change their society. However, some citizens might like how things are right now and will be more inclined to dislike change. These people might dislike change so much that they will do anything so that they do not have to change. Apart from the progressives and the conservatives, there are people who do not care for neither. These types of people believe that any decision will not affect them. All of these types of people are found in Ray Bradbury’s novel The Martian Chronicles. In every society, including the society in The Martian Chronicle, there …show more content…

These people want the society to change, adapt, or evolve because they believe that it is in the best interest for the society to do so. Some of the people in a society that would want the society to change are explorers. Before the colonization of the new world, the top european countries wanted to get the spices from India without having to go through Egypt and the Middle East and without having to go around Africa’s southern tip. This lead to Christopher Columbus to want to find a new way to get to India. Christopher Columbus would go and discover the new word, change the views of the old world, and give inspiration to other explorers such as Hernando Cortez and Francisco Pizarro. Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish explorer who took over the Inca Empire, by kidnapping the incan Emperor. In Diamond's novel Guns Germs and Steel, he states “Pizarro captured Atahualpa within a few minutes after the two leaders first set eyes on each other.” (Diamond 68). From this quotation the reader may presume that the reason that Pizarro knew to capture Atahualpa was because he dressed and looked like the king. Pizarro would go on to take as much gold and silver as he could, ship it to Spain, and enslave the incan people to turn them into …show more content…

The first group are made up of progressives. These people want society to change for the better and some are willing to dedicate their time and effort into changing and shaping their world and their future. The second group are made up of people who enjoy the life that they are currently living in. They believe that everything is great the way it is. These people are the conservative. Lastly, there is the group made up of apathists. This group does not dislike change neither like change. They will go with the flow because that’s the way they are. Every society is made up of these types of people. Without one they society would be