Argumentative Essay: America's Tomorrow

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America’s Tomorrow Americans possess the tendency to only address immediate threats to their well being, while delaying handling future issues. This mindset ensures today for Americans; however, it jeopardizes the outlook of their tomorrow. This ideology possessed by American policy makers is best exemplified through the method in which America disposes of their nuclear waste. Currently, America places their nuclear waste inside the depths of Yucca Mountain, which lies along a giant fault line (Muller, 253). This fault line has not been active in years, however that is not to say that it could not become active in the future. There is not an infinite amount of space available to store the nuclear waste, and therefore there will come a time when this mountain will no longer be ideal for storing waste (254). Although when this time comes current Americans will no longer be living, and future generations will suffer. This causes one to ask: does the government exist to serve both current and future Americans? If individuals analyze the actions taken by the government with regards to the nuclear waste situation, the answer to this question is undoubtly no. These …show more content…

However, the government’s primary purpose has always been to serve the people in any way possible. Some would also say that the government cannot predict the future. That being said, by taking a proactive approach at solving what could be future problems, the government can eliminate devastation to the country. Though the government cannot heed every cry for help that a citizen makes, by discussing future plans they fulfil their promise to work with the people’s best interest in mind. By solving issues before they reach the capacity to become devastating, the government keeps this promise to its people, while at the same time paving the way for a brighter American