Argumentative Essay: Hollister's Handbook

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In the movie bully Alex’s parents were asked,”what would you like me to do,(Hirsch)” I find no reason for this because there should have been rules set in place for what should have been done to protect Alex. Today schools have guidelines in place to protect people from being bullied. These guidelines are normally provided in a school's handbook. Although most kids have never seen or read this part of the handbook. I believe that the Hollister handbook's bully policy need to be rewrote starting by changing how punishments are given, how the bullying reported procedure works, and how the investigation procedure should be conducted.

My first point is Hollister’s handbook normally states what your punishments are for breaking that rule but …show more content…

As stated from the Branson School handbook, “any employee, substitute or volunteer who witnesses or has firsthand knowledge of bullying of a student must report the incident to the building principal or designee as soon as possible, but no later than two school days after the incident”(Branson Hand book pg 28). Comparing this to Hollisters handbook it doesn’t require that it’s reported as soon as possible but within 2 days which would leave time for the bully to continue bullying the student and putting him at further harm, but it has to be first hand knowledge. This should include anything threatening even if it hasn’t happened like school work making threats, videos online, even any verbal threats should be reported not just a physical act against that person. Teachers are to have first hand knowledge of the bullying incident to repot …show more content…

If the alleged bullying involves a special education student or a student with disabilities, the principal will also notify the special education director” (Nixa handbook pg 7). You can see that it was clearly stated what is trying to be found and what will be done when it is found. This in contrast to the Hollister School handbook is more clear and makes it sound like action will actually be taken to stop this from happening. This raps back to my second point when the teacher has to have first hand knowledge. Without the first hand knowledge even if a kid reports it teaches would not be required to turn in the report sheet just because they didn’t see it which lead to no