
Argumentative Essay: I Am Against The Draft

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Just Say No

"I'm against the draft. I believe we should have a professional military; it might be smaller, but it would be more effective." -Jesse Ventura

This quote speaks the truth and I stand by it one-hundred percent. There is no sense in reinstating the draft when it will not benefit our nation at all one of those reasons being that it wouldn't be as effective if we had three-hundred drafted but only twenty really wanted to be there. There has been many situations where the citizens believe it violates our freedom and that with the rights we are given that it is completely immoral to force citizens to fight. The draft not only effects the soldiers themselves, but the people around them. I believe that if the United States was to …show more content…

Think about all the families that have had to go through the grieving process due to the draft picking a family member who wasn't meant to fight in wars. That causes a lot of resentment towards the military and the military needs support from the citizens not starting their own war between the two. Drafting doesn't benefit the country either. When you think military you think protection you think safety and you might even think secureness. If I knew that people were just being picked left and right to fight in a war I don't know how safe I would actually feel. I might even be some what concerned on what was going to become of this nation where we contravene the rights of our citizens just so that we have a bigger military. As is said before in the quote from Jesse Ventura a smaller military would be much more effective. It doesn't matter the size of the military you could have over 10,000 soldiers and maybe 300 were actually there because that was what they feel was their calling, but the other 9,700 were lazy and didn't have a real purpose for being there then what is the point in even having a

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