
Should Draft Be Reinstated Essay

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Should the Draft Be Reinstated in the U.S.? The argument that will determine whether your loved ones are safe or your country is safe, has been in play. The Draft is necessary to save people’s lives, as proven in the past, not just civilians, but soldiers as well. According to “Should the U.S. Draft Be Reinstated?” by Anthony Holly, Christina Jones, Nicole Lewis, and Nicholas Wade, “The Draft would supply the armed forces with a broad mixture of soldiers…” but “Draft Reinstatement Is a Bad Idea” by foxnews.com states otherwise “Nearly every expert who studies the issue concludes that all-volunteer -- or professional -- militaries perform more efficiently, more bravely and with less corruption and other breakdowns than conscripts”. This shows that everyone should take a part in defending our country but it wouldn’t help much. Despite this point of view, “Bring back the Military Draft?” by theatlantic.com, “It’s unfair for a tiny percentage of Americans-less than one percent-to shoulder the burden of fighting wars”. I think the draft should be reinstated for the sake of our country by defending it, and if we cannot defend our country, the people are not safe as well, however our army is strong enough for any kind of defending. …show more content…

According to “Should the U.S Draft Be Reinstated?” by Anthony, Christina, Nichole, and Nicholas, “The draft would supply the armed forces with a broad mixture of soldiers which would lead to limits on future wars.” This shows that not only do the poor and minorities could fulfill their duty as Americans. In other words, every American, despite ethnicity, has some duty to serve, for everyone living in this country, however, not everyone needs

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