Pros And Cons Of The Military Draft

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First off, the United States should get rid of the Draft because it would divide the Society. The United States has a very ugly history with the draft. There has been many draft dodgers, protests, and Anti War and Anti Draft demonstrations most commonly in the Vietnam War era.The protests over the draft got violent during the American Revolution. One example, that the draft would divide the society is To Protester’s the draft was full of open or free spots that freed the wealthy, the well-connected, and the better educated and put the chore of fighting for the working class and the poor. 50,000 draft dodgers moved to Canada because they didn’t want to be drafted. Many anti war demonstrations had public draft-card burnings, and many draftees …show more content…

So the wealthy people didn't have to go because they could literally buy their way out of it. Then the draft dodgers were people that were unable to buy their way out of the draft or they didn't want to go to the military. Protesters did a lot of different types of anti draft anti war demonstrations to show people their point. The draft needs to be ended because it would keep on ripping apart the society until the people hate each other so much there won't be a society anymore it would be complete chaos. Another example that the draft would divide the society is “In 1863 the Union instituted its first draft, sparking the most violent anti draft protests in U.S. history, mostly in New York City, where riots and arson killed at least a hundred people before federal troops put down the …show more content…

They will be very well trained and equipped to be able to challenge and defeat any foe placed in front of them. One example that shows that a all Volunteer military can be enough troops is America’s all volunteer army made of well equipped and highly trained active duty soldiers. Backed up with a ready reserve to act as an initial response force that would be able to repel any counter aggression and fight back (Korb).America has a All volunteer army that is very well equipped and very well trained fighting force. Just incase if anything goes bad the U.S. military and a reserve army that is like backup for the front line. The reserve army is just like the first one they can both take a beating get back up and keep on fighting. Another example that shows that a all Volunteer military can be enough troops is“Strengthening and expanding the military should continue on a volunteer basis, by restoring high recruitment standards, retention and promotion criteria, and ground force budgets; by opening up the services and all military occupations to all qualified people who want to serve, including women and homosexuals; and above all, by withdrawing from Iraq and