
Iraq War Pros And Cons

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The topic of Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), has been in the news for months, even years at this point. The ongoing debate of US involvement in Iraq, and the topic of what to do with ISIS seem never ending with barely any consensus among the US Government or with world leaders. In the articles assigned we see a plethora of opinions on these two hot topics that can be summarized with this; The United States was wrong in getting involved in Iraq militarily and was correct in withdrawing from Iraq and if anything should’ve done it sooner. Furthermore, it is not the withdrawal of troops that led to the rise of ISIS but rather the initial arrival of troops in 2003 that created a power vacuum of sorts that allowed ISIS to rise to power the way it did. In terms of approaching the expunging of ISIS, one must …show more content…

Discussion Question 2: It is mentioned in Ali’s article, “A Problem from Heaven” that we as the United States must back the right side as Islam goes through a series of reforms that is being battled by the Reformers vs. Reactionaries. Should we as the United States involve ourselves with a religious reform? Why or why not?
• There is a precedent as mentioned in Ali’s article that during the Cold War the US funded anticommunist intellectuals to counter the influence of Marxists o Following this precedent, the US should fund and help protect those who are advocating for a reform as this reform will lead to more peace.
• Opposing viewpoint is that the scripture alone is not responsible for this

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