Argumentative Essay: Name Tags At School

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Name tags. Just hearing the name makes some students at Simle step back in shock. Gasp! they say as they fall back in agony! Are these name tags really that bad though? I asked students at Simle for their thoughts on this issue. Johnny Martin in 7th grade says, “It keeps everyone a lot more safe although I don’t think they’re needed a whole lot.” Most of the student body agrees with Martin, out of 48 students surveyed, 37 of them hold an unfavorable view of name tags. Billy Chap in 8th grade told me, “I do not mind them at all. They’re actually kind of fun because they help me express more of what I like.” Along with a large fraction other students, Chap believes that these name tags are beneficial to the school and they help people express their personalities. Expressing your personality is much easier as you can add to your lanyard and get an …show more content…

Many students come home with red marks on their arms, legs, and necks from students who think that they can use name tags as weapons. I should know. I am a victim. Many of the students who disliked the idea of the name tags were in 8th and 7th grade. These students have been in Simle longer than the 6th graders so are used to not having name tags around their neck. “Name tags are safety related too. They let [the staff] know who is supposed to be in the building,” Assistant Principal Mrs. Mann says. Name tags are used in many situations, ranging from a student needing to be identified after running in the hallways to more serious situations. They also are useful to help get used to what your years at Legacy High School will be like. At Legacy, students must sign in to classes using their name tags. This helps teachers take attendance without having to go through the tedious process at the beginning of class. Wearing them now teaches the students to be responsible before high