Short Film Created By Sight Systems: Advanced Technology

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The short film “Sight” created by Sight Systems is about advanced technology taking over lifetimes of people. It gives a preview of how human beings would become too engrossed with technology and would think of everything as a game. One example of this is when the main character is cutting a vegetable. He starts the game over because he messes up on a slice. Another example would be when the main character goes on a date. He gives an excellent example on how too much technology can change the way humans would see one another. People should not have their lives focused on advanced technology because it could control their lives in the future. Even though people may think their existence should be focused around technology, it can change …show more content…

Steve Hoffman states,“In the future though, if somebody hacks into your head because it’s connected to the internet. They can steal You.” Advanced technology would make it easier for hackers to get into people’s minds. Not only would they be able to steal important information but actually steal a real human being. This newer technology could change the way humans live their lives. For example, this chip allows people to live a different life, so they could experience different scenarios. People could live in different scenarios, but would they be able to go back to their old life? This is a valid question because people may want to live a different lifetime then go back to theirs. Another valid question would be if humanity would be changed for the worse or for the better? There would be numerous opinions about this question. Some would think humanity would suggest this would be for the better and others would suggest it wouldn’t. If more advanced technology keeps coming out, will humankind start to question when humanity has had enough or just keep wanting more? In conclusion, people’s lives shouldn’t revolve around technology. Their lives would change forever if any of these scenarios ever happened. Technology can be helpful if used for the right reasons. If it is used wrong, lives would change for the worst because one person wanted to experience a different life. A person should think more about what they need in their existence instead of what they