Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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The year was 1997, Joseph and Charles Vacanti two researchers, took stem cells from bovine ears and grew an ear on a mouse’s back in a lab. ( This discovery led the researchers and more scientist to think about using other cells to graft skin for burn victims, and eventually new possibilities in organ growth. Each year in laboratories across the globe, animals and their parts are used to link necessary treatments and medical medications to the needs of both the human and animal species. It is often uncomfortable for people to think about using animals for testing. There are federal laws, including the Animal Welfare Act, and various guidelines to treat the animals fairly and with respect.(Changed sentence structure to make more sense.) Without many of these experiments, many of our current medical treatments would be available, including treating diabetes and heart conditions. …show more content…

In 1889, the scientists Oskar Minkowski and the doctor Joseph von Mering discovered that, when the pancreas was taken from a dog, the dog developed diabetes. It was in these tests and in other experiments, the need of the pancreas and the importance of insulin in the body were discovered. After more extensive testing on dogs and further on cows, the main issues of diabetes were discovered and treatments were able to be developed. Later, a pseudo-synthetic insulin was created using liquid-ground up pancreas. (Transitional wording) Therefore, completely synthetic insulins were created in the last fifty years. Without the use of animals in these experiments, the almost thirty million diabetics in the United States would suffer major complications from their disease or