Argumentative Essay On Breast Cancer

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Cancer is found to be one of the most challenging and fastest growing disease in the world. By 2030 it is predicted that about 22 million cases will be diagnosed affecting about 1.7 million American’s every year. These cancer cells when viewed with naked eye resembled like a crab having a mass tissue in the center with legs reaching out. Initially it was determined as the fatal disease having no cure. 4000 years ago an Egyptian physician numbered all the diseases and the treatments which will be known to the ancient world but under the treatment section for cancer it just described “THERE IS NONE”. It was believed that balancing four different fluids such as melancholia, flagmet, coleric and sangvin would result better. In 1890, Dr. William Halsted, famous surgeon concentrated on patients with breast cancer, he found that …show more content…

Dr. Sydney Farber treated the patients with amethopterin but the relapse rate was higher. Emil Grubbe had an idea of killing the cancer with the help of radiation using x rays. Mary Laskar, started an organization American Cancer Society having some funds from government finding ways to eradicate cancer. The NCI researchers believed that they cannot overcome the disease since they were not aware of the dosage and the children returned to the Leukemia again. A trial launched in 1962 referred to as VAMP (Vincristine, Amethopterin, Mercaptopurine and Prednisone), they had beneficial effects since each of them had different ways of attacking the growth of cells by killing all the cells and thus curing the cancer. On September 24th, 1962 Dr. Emil Freeride and Emil Frei began to treat children using VAMP but others believed that these four drug took it far away. New surgeries and radiations are used to treat various cancers and the researchers believe that there are drugs to kill these cancer cells regardless of location. To conclude, the true nature of cancer cells is known by none to