Freezing Experiments: A Holocaust Analysis

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Below freezing temperatures, poison rushing through your veins, getting tortured just because your sibling looks exactly like you. Sitting in a room with no way out, because you know there are guards that would be more than happy to kill you waiting outside. Or being strapped to a table knowing that you probably going to die, and not being able to do anything about it. There are three words for how terrible the holocaust was; freezing, poison, and twin’s experiments. Many people were brought in alive in these experiments but more than ¾ ended up dead. One of the things that were mentioned was freezing experiments. Freezing experiments were one of the worst experiments performed by the Nazi. 80-100 people died during these experiments. This …show more content…

Some people say they wish they had a twin; would you still want a twin if you would get experiments tried on you because of them. For several days these twins were photographed. Some would have to hold their arms up for hours on end just so they could take a picture of their armpit hairs. After the photographing they were sent to get rested, then they would be woken up very early in the morning to sit in a hot water vat until they were about to pass out from the heat. “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” (Joseph 1) Joseph Mengele was most infatuated with the twins, but he did help with a lot of these experiments. These experiments were horrible, but necessary to advance medical history. Dr. Sigmund Rascher and Joseph Mengele were the main doctors in these experiments. They both did inhumane things to these innocent people, but they didn’t care. If you were the slightest imperfect, you were sent to be experimented on or just killed. Even though they were advancing medical history was the freezing, poison, and genetics experiments