Argumentative Essay On Cannibalism

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Cannibalism could be one the most un-talked about topics, but is known as one of the most socially unacceptable ways of life around the world. Many professional from various fields have studied Cannibalism. Entertainment industries have used cannibalism as one of the most basic ways to set fear by today’s media. Practices of this sort dated back to the Before Christ Era approximately 4,500 ago (studyzone). These practices are still used today; bringing to light many unanswered questions pertaining to this controversial topic. In this paper I will be focusing on how cannibalism is expressed in contemporary culture, why cannibalism was socially acceptable earlier in history, but is not today, and how the medical field views the topic of cannibalism? What is cannibalism? This can be explained differently depending on who’s answering the question. An average Joe walking down the street might say “It’s when people eat people. My view point of cannibalism is slightly …show more content…

As stated before the average person’s view on cannibalism is one human eating another human; here are some of the different ways to answer the question of topic: what is cannibalism? From a medical point of view cannibalism can be considered “the act of eating the flesh of an animal by another animal of the same species” (Merriam-Webster). Moving to the historians view the definition changes and is pinned to humans. “Cannibalism, or anthropophagy, is the ingestion of human flesh by humans. The concept of cannibalism, its ethical encumbrances, and its cultural expression in history and myth is unquestionably universal” (history today). The last point of view being covered will be from the Social Scientist point of view “humans eating other human flesh, which is considered an act of inhuman, ghoulish nightmare, or as a sacred moral duty’’ (New York