Argumentative Essay on Cerebral Violence

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Cerebral Violence “It is clear to me that the causal relationship between televised violence and antisocial behavior is sufficient to warrant appropriate and immediate remedial action. … There comes a time when the data are sufficient to justify action. That time has come.” This quote from the Surgeon General was in 1972. It’s startling that the same person who fervently warns people about tobacco use also warned the public about violent media, isn’t it? Even though the quote was forty two years ago, the warning still stands as the threat of violent media grows ever stronger. While Americans may not realize it, of all the violent media, the data at hand suggests that video games hold the strongest threat, especially on the still-developing …show more content…

These traits are a person’s personality and their situation. Certain personality traits, such as being easily upset, fiery, moody, icy, aloof, and or rash are more likely to make a child more aggressive after playing a violent video game. (“Violent Video Games and Young People”) A child’s situation at home, for example a game system in their room, or sharing a game system with an older sibling, may also make them more prone to aggression. Some research even suggests that children with violent backgrounds or children who are predisposed to aggression are also more susceptible. (“Violent Video Games and Young …show more content…

One noticed effect is that violent video games can cause children to become less kind to one another. In one study, scientists observed that teenagers who play excessive amounts of video games are prone to confrontations with their teachers, more likely to fight with their peers, decline academically, have poor social skills, read and exercise less, and are more likely to become overweight. (Norcia) Violent video games can also create a number of undesirable behaviors. During many different studies, it has been well proven that violent video games cause an increase in aggression. Some scientists even believe that violent video games cause real world aggression, using the perpetrators of school shootings as their evidence. A report by the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Education stated that more than half of school shooters voiced an interest in violent media of one type or another. (“Violent Video Games and Young People”) In another study, it was shown that over time, a child’s mentality could be altered from exposure to violent video games. During this study, it was noticed that after a certain amount of exposure to violence, children became “numb” to acts of violence. (“Children and Video Games”) In one instance, Doctor Phil