Argumentative Essay On Donald Trump

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Donald J.Trump is a businessman not a politician. He is the aspirant to the presidency of the United States of America he represents the Republicans. He has a degree in Economics/Real Estate from University of Pennsylvania. He is an arrogant billionaire born in wealth and prosperity their parents where immigrants. Several times he has filed for bankruptcy, but money does not make him a better person. He does not possess skills to deal with people. My opinion on this essay is against him because he wants to eliminate the principle constitutional that gives the United States the citizenships, He is planning to raise a wall on the border with Mexico and he was to stop illegal immigration if he becomes the President of the USA. He is not the candidate that represent me my ideas or beliefs as a United States citizen.
I am conscious that we as immigrant should have our legal documentation in order to be in this country that has given us the opportunity to live and work in this Nation. Also is clear for my persona that I have to respect the legal system as well as the people. Donald trump want to make extremist measures to eradicate legal immigration. He puts the facts that United State spend billions of dollars in Health Care, Housing. Education and Social Security that applies for legal immigrant, for illegal immigrants there is only Emergency Medical if they are lucky. He wants to raise a wall on the border and he pretends that Mexican Government pay for the barrier that’s