Argumentative Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Will you let drunk driving destroy YOUR family? Drunk driving have continuously showed America that it is one of the leading accidents in a motorized vehicle. These accidents can fatally wound a pedestrian if the circumstances were right. In 2013, approximately 10,076 people were fatally wounded in drunk driving accident. That is a huge numbers of families being left behind because of another human’s choice to drink then drive. This is why in order to reduce the number of alcohol related accidents, America must start mass campaigning against drinking and driving, install ignition locks, and lower the drinking age down to 18. Mass campaigning against drinking and driving proves efficient in lower the number of alcohol accidents. Campaigning against alcohol will allow the people to see the physical danger drunk driving can do. For example, studies shows “the median decrease in alcohol-related crashes resulting from the campaigns was 13%” …show more content…

This problem has destroyed a significant amount of families and put many Americans at risk of fatal accidents. America must band together to encourage safer drinking which will lead to safer driving. Drunk driving is one of the leading cause of death in America so in order to stop this problem, we must start mass campaigning against drinking and driving, install ignition locks, and lower the drinking age to 18. If this problem were allowed to continue, we will surely see an increase in number of alcohol related accidents in the near future. Drunk driving is not something to take lightly, we must find ways to potentially stop this epidemic from continuing. Whether it be installing ignition locks to keep drunk drivers from entering a vehicle or let younger drinkers learn safe drinking and driving, we must do whatever is needed to keep safe roads for our future generations. How many more families and lives must we sacrifice before this issue is