Every single year millions of lives are lost to drinking and driving, and as a nation this is a very well respected law with high consequences. In 2014 over 1.1 million people were arrested or convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). In recent studies done by Transport Research Laboratory, the reaction time of a drunk driver is decreased by 12%, and over the past 15 years, accidents have decreased dramatically since 2000 when congress adopted a .08 Blood
“There’s No Benefit to Lowering the Drinking Age” explains, on average about eleven teens die daily as a result of drunk driving (Voas 464). When teens throw a party, alcohol is usually involved. Then once the party is over the kids have to get home somehow and they often drive themselves. When an alcoholic drink is placed in an eighteen-year-old hand decisions are made that harm them and others
In this century, people don't care to wonder how the penalties for drunk driving came about. Before 1980, the public believed drunk driving fatalities could be excused; that it wasn't considered murder. More than twenty-one thousand people died each year during drunk driving crashes due to the public's view and United States law. That changed once awareness raised about this issue, and the public’s attitude towards drinking changed. Now, in the United States, that number cut in half thanks to Candy Lightner.
Good Morning/Afternoon 8 savio. Do you think it 's right that victims have to experience horrendous events such as Drink Driving? Drink Driving should be taken more seriously by people due to the fact that many incidents are caused from people who are much drinking over the limit. Each year in Australia , an average of 35 drivers die from Drink Driving. Lets help bring this number down to 0, Australia needs to take more caution with the amount of alcohol consumed by people.
On average, every fifty two minutes a person dies from drunk driving. That’s close to twenty eight people a day, and ten thousand, one hundred and eight people a year. Sadly, most of those deaths weren’t even the people that were drunk. Around two hundred deaths account for children up to the age of fourteen. I think the punishment for drunk driving isn’t enough.
The problem is, with drunk driving laws so strict, you may, for example, think you are perfectly fine to drive even though you actually qualify for the charge of driving while intoxicated, or
Every 15 minutes, a teenager dies due to drunk driving.(9) Austin Donovan Hall, now 18, lost control of the Chrysler convertible he was driving and smashed right into a tree and telephone pole, while driving 119 mph in a 35 mph lane.(7) He departed from an underage drinking party less than a mile away from where the incident occurred.(7) The vehicle then flew off the road hitting a tree and a light pole in the process.(7) Shawn Gangloff, age 15, was in the same accident.
Around one quarter of deaths on Australia’s roads involve drink-driving. Over a decade, this amounts to over 3,500 deaths, as well as many thousands of serious injuries. Even at low concentrations such as 0.05, alcohol increases the time drivers take to make decisions and reduces their capacity for precise motor movements, which escalates the risk of injury and death. Alcohol also reduces inhibition and increases confidence and risk-taking, which can cause people to make inaccurate judgements about how much alcohol they have consumed and continue to drink drive. Examination has shown that estimating the number of “standard drinks” consumed is difficult, as young adults frequently make inaccurate judgements when determining if they are sober
DUI checkpoints, along with breathalyzers built into vehicles could bring drunk driving to a much safer level. With this speech I hope to inform you about drunk driving, explain its many harmful consequences, and provide a possibly full proof solution. ISSUE 1: NEED Drinking and driving, it caused 9,967 deaths in 2014. According to madd.org it also caused an additional 290,000 injuries. Every 2 minutes, there is an alcohol related crash that could easily be avoided.
We constantly hear of accidents caused by drunk driving and in most instances innocent people are dying due to drunk drivers. It is estimated that 10,000 in the United States are killed and 40,000 injured in auto accidents involving alcohol (sciencenetlinks). Keep in mind that drivers use their hands, eyes, and feet to drive, all of which are controlled by the brain. If the driver is intoxicated the brain is impaired and is not sending or responding appropriately. Driving requires quick responses to unexpected situations and requires alertness, concentration, coordination, vision, etc., all important skills which are impaired by an intoxicated person behind the
Drunk driving is a life-threatening issue that keeps on taking thousands of lives every year. Too many lives have been taken dependably from drunk driving. A death from drunk driving does not only affect the victim, but it influences everyone around them, such as family and friends. There are many reasons to why people drink alcohol, as alcohol can give an individual certain feeling and for some individual, it is the curiosity about the effects. Another reason, alcohol is consumed is to be used as a stress reliever.
Drink Driving Punishment Is Getting More Severe It is somewhat grievous however numerous individuals still go out on a limb of drinking and driving without monitoring the results if they be gotten out. Is this ethically wrong, obviously, as well as lives and property can be harmed hopeless and for the purpose of a couple drinks. Without a doubt, when individuals are included in mishaps their first comment is regularly that they had never done this! In any case, that being said, if the inescapable happens then they will without a doubt need the administrations of a DUI lawyer to get them through the dull days ahead.
While some teenagers abide by the laws and regulations of the state concerning the consumption of alcohol, others do not. Among recent years, alcohol consumption of young adults has increased drastically. Among individuals in the United States that drink alcohol, 11% are between the ages 13 to 20. Teens do not realize the risks and effects of alcohol consumption. Drinking at a younger age means that one is at a greater risk of encountering major health problems.
Drunk driving in the U.S. is a major problem that to this day has not been addressed to the extent that it needs to be addressed in order for it to be considered mitigated. In 2014, a total of “9,967 people” were killed as a result alcohol impaired driving, although the total number of fatalities as a result of alcohol impaired driving, the problem is yet to be solved (NHTSA, Page 1-2). Sadly there is yet be a clear solution to the drunk driving problem in the U.S. and in an attempts to fix this a lot of states have tried to figure out ways to remedy the situation. The solutions attempted range from trying to teach students in schools especially with programs like Every 15 minutes in which people are supposed to see the true horror of drunk
Looking at the Consequences of Drunk Driving Drunk driving is becoming an increasingly large epidemic in the United States. Every day, 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This is one death every 51 minutes (Department of Transportation). Along with the amounts of death climbing to devastating numbers, injuries are another negative outcome of drunk driving.