Argumentative Essay On Duck Hunting

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As the days begin to shorten and the weather starts to cool, Lane and Jackson and Lane’s dog have just one thing on their mind, their annual Pamlico sound duck hunting trip. With miles upon miles of premier duck hunting habitat, Pamlico is a landmark destination for every serious North carolina duck hunter. Unfortunately, this year’s hunting foray was one marred by a frightening, yet humorous conundrum that either duck hunter will have a hard time forgetting.
Following an ill-advised dinner of less than stellar chicken and dumplings from a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Jackson wasn’t quite able to make the duo’s final morning hunt of the trip. Being the wily outdoorsman that he is, Lane wasn’t about to let his partner’s unfortunate gastric distress …show more content…

“You look like swamp thing!”
“Shut up Jackson. Just shut up. Pack your stuff. We’re leaving.”On their way home they stopped and got some food and stopped at couple hunting stores. Other than Lane’s three hours pushing his boat over the dike he had a good time. He was sad and mad that his friend was sick and couldn't go hunt with him. It was still a great hunting trip except for the last day. If you plan on duck hunting the hard way, it is always imperative to bring your sense of humor along. You would be surprised how much more enjoyable and successful your hunts will be if you remember to laugh along the way. As the old saying goes, “Never get so caught up in the results that you forget to enjoy the journey,” and most importantly, stay safe out there. This “never give up” attitude is where the prominent North Carolina duck hunting duo of Jackson and Lane excel in countless ways. Being some of the most gutsy and spirited duck hunters this state has to offer, these tried-and-true outdoorsmen have had their fair share of trials and tribulations that act as a living testimony to their extreme dedication and reverence for the sport we all