Argumentative Essay On Flag Football

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Justin Callahan Mrs. Pace English 9-6 27 April 2023 Flag Football The article “2018 sees flag football scoring big with kids” asserts that the future of kids’ football is flag. It explains that flag football is the fastest-growing sport for kids in the past three years. The article then goes on to say that flag football is safer and less expensive than tackle football. The article then finishes by asserting that 78% of adults thought kids under 14 should not play tackle football. I agree with the article that flag football is the future of kids’ football and the claims that have been stated. One of the claims in the article is that in the past three years flag football has been the fastest-growing sport for kids. This means more kids are going to flag rather than tackle. Joe Drape and Ken Belson support this claim in the article "The Future of Football Has Flags,"it states that more than 1.5 million kids are now playing flag football which is 38 percent more over the past three years, which is also 100,000 more kids than the amount playing tackle football. Even “Aspen Institute” wrote an article saying, “more kids are switching to flag, “this means that this argument is getting traction. Although this is …show more content…

Just one helmet can cost 400 dollars (Bowen). Stefan Fatsis backs this claim in the article "The Case to End Youth Football, "he explains that kids’ brains are not fully developed and have not generated enough nerve cells, so the brain lacks the coating of protection. The brain will also take much longer to recover and havelonger-lasting effects than if this were to happen to an adult. Ken Belson goes on to say, “Worries about the future of youth football are mounting as evidence of long-term cognitive dangers of playing the game grows.” Many studies prove that concussions at young ages can cause many problems later in life. Parents agree with this information