
Argumentative Essay On Grandma

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An assistant at the front desk lazily glides to the door upon your arrival and enters a secret code to shut off the security system. Although that same high tech security system didn’t stop a patient with an oxygen mask from roaming the parking lot the night before going unnoticed for over an hour. When you reach Grandma you notice the pain she’s in from her unhealed bed sores. She hasn’t been moved or left the bed in over a week. Grandma needs her dressings changed because blood is seeping through her clothes and it’s starting to stink. If it wasn’t for her constantly visiting family her dressings would never be changed every few hours like they should be. A nurse drops a tray of food on grandma’s nightstand which consists of off brand ravioli, peas, and pears from a can. Grandma takes a few bites and won’t eat anymore saying “it isn’t good.” Grandma’s 94 year old roommate Lizzie asks for help with every meal but the nurses ignore her. Nurses come back an hour after distribution and take half eaten meals to be thrown away. “They don’t know what they’re doing or sometimes they really just don’t care,” said Wendy Meltzer, a nursing …show more content…

A tax is taken out of monthly pay checks and then when you reach a certain age you get social security checks each month so you aren’t fully relying on government care. Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo, speaking on the Social Security act said that “the hope behind this statute is to save men and women from the rigors of the poorhouse as well as the haunting that such a lot awaits them when the journey’s end is near (Haber and Gratton, p. 139). “Public institutions for needy elderly were created by the Medical Facilities and Survey Act of 1954 (Nursing Homes).” Medicare and Medicaid were passed in 1965. Thus nursing homes became less expensive and popular to send your loved one

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