Argumentative Essay On Immigration And Crime

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“The American instinct that led these young men and women to pick up the torch and cross this bridge...that’s the same instinct that moved patriots to choose revolution over tyranny. It’s the same instinct that drew immigrants from across oceans and the Rio Grande…” - Barack Obama, March 2015. America was founded on the beliefs of people that wanted to be free. This country flourished with the determined mentality that immigrants possess. Immigrants are vital for America's growth. According to Pew polls “71% of immigrants make crime worse.” this is a very popular belief many republicans hold. This popular belief is not backed by facts, numerous studies going back at least one century states that “Immigrants...are less likely than the native population to commit a violent crime or be incarcerated.” Immigrants try to keep crime rates down, so they can stay here and be productive. These studies also show that the future generations, second and third generation have higher crime rates because they learn these habits from the native population (SIRS Researcher). Immigrants don’t make crime worse; they help bring crime rates down. …show more content…

But the majority of immigrants do know some English. Most immigrants have taken previous English Learning courses in their home countries. “...English fluency is a badge of prestige…” immigrants learning some English is a sign of accomplishment that many strive to earn. In addition to becoming more fluent, immigrants also get better schooling here. From 2000-2011, the amount of immigrants attending college grew 61% while the native population only grew 28%( Immigrants are becoming more educated in their home countries, once they come to America many continue their