Argumentative Essay On Immigration Awareness Month

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Coming from A Mexican family, I along with my siblings are the first generation to have been born in the United States. As a child, I lived a great life. My only worries were of missing the paleteros, ice cream man, or being frustrated because nobody in my neighborhood wanted to buy my mud pies, but never was it that I would fear the fact that my family could be taken away. It wasn’t until I was older and heard more comments about there being a thing as “illegal” immigrants when I began to worry for my parents, however, at the same time I began to realize all the suffering and challenges they go through and have gone through to give my siblings and I the best life we can get. Immigrants are an important part of America, yet they don’t get the awareness they deserve. I believe that immigrants deserve an awareness month, whether or not they entered into America Legally. Immigrants, compose much of our society. Whether we realize it or not, America is a country built by immigrants. Just because you have not personally packed your things and waltz your way to America, it doesn’t mean someone had to have done it at some point previously. And not only this, but many couldn’t even pack their bags to move to America. …show more content…

Once an awareness month is established many learning facilities will begin to teach more of this issues to students and parents. Not only this, but many television outlets will begin reporting about this issue more commonly for a positive outcome than it has been negatively. Immigrants are the reason America was set up and continue to be the reason America is running and functional. If no other thing is done for them, I believe an awareness month would help past and current immigrants receive the appreciation they rightfully deserve. Gracias por todo, unimos llegamos y unidos saldremos. (Thank you for everything, together we came and together we will