Argumentative Essay On Juveniles

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The way the justice system in America is run, we tend to give people a little slap on the wrist. We allow them to go on living their life in the world even if they are caught for speeding, killing, or even fraudulent scandals in business. However, even those little punishments are a bit harsh on teens who commit felons and are sentenced to 20+ years to life in jail. Their whole life is essentially thrown in the dirt at that point. To me, juveniles can always outgrow old habits and change their way of life and thinking unlike adults who may have grown up doing illicit activity and have a mindset for it. Juveniles also have undeveloped brains which don’t might not understand the consequences or think that the felony is just a game like Counter …show more content…

Paul Thompson states that, “Research on the human brain has shown, Brazill-and any other young teen-is far from adulthood.” If the research is correct, then we as humans should not charge them as equal to adults, they are completely different! They have a completely different mindset. “But what really caught our eye was a massive loss of brain tissue that occurs in the teenage years. The loss was like a wildfire, and you could see it in every teenager.” This evidence shows how teenagers do not think properly just like young teens, they have a completely different mindset. They do may not think of the consequences, or may have a weaker mental barrier to block all the hate or stress. The brain is “not yet adults” so we should not treat teens as such. The sentencing of life in prison without parole is the same as just taking someone’s life and turning them into a lifeless being. Even worse is if they give them a 20 year sentence and they are back on the street without a high school diploma, college degree, or education. They are forced to waste more life doing that and then trying to find a job labeled as a FELON. We should not and shall not prosecute juveniles the same as adults because they are not the same in the brain, it will ruin a person’s life, and there is still hope for them to change their ways and become a good influence in