Essay On Opioids Today

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Opioids Today
Undoubtedly, the addictive nature of opioids has generated immense controversy in both the medical community and population of the United States. During the last decade, the increase of people addicted to opioids has grown steadily, among them; you can find ordinary people but celebrities, athletes and soldiers thus charging many lives in their path. Despite this, it was not until after several months of political pressure that the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, declared in the middle of 2017 those opioids are responsible of a health crisis in America.
The history of the nation shows that with the passage of time, similar crises have appeared that are now experienced, but that despite this, they have not …show more content…

According to a study conducted by the Surgeon General, which functions as the coordinator and leader of 20 departments in the National Prevention Council since 2010, only one person in each tenth manages to receive the indicated treatment and 40% of addicts do not seek medical support. (The Surgeon General). The biggest issue with this is that while there are places where patients can get treatment most of them would not get it because both lack of more places and interest.
Being able to leave the addition becomes almost impossible for many addicts because of the lack of options they have when it comes to where they can get the treatment. According to an article by The Pea charitable trust those public programs that offer suitable treatments reach 23%, being worse in the private sector where there is much less (The Pew Charitable Trusts). Although there are very effective treatments with high indices of effectiveness to help the patient to get out of the addiction, the truth is that there are few places where patients can get this treatment.
Without a shadow of doubt the opioids crisis is a serious and impactful problem to the United States of America, one that if is not addressed and understood correctly would not be resolved anytime