Summary Of A Personal Look At A National Problem By Katelyn Newman

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As elaborated by Katelyn Newman, in her article ¨A Personal Look at a National Problem¨, the opioid epidemic in America is both severing family relationships and resulting in widespread suffering. In the aftermath of the historic increase of prescription drug abuse in the United States, as well as the opioid epidemic being deemed a national emergency by President Donald Trump, Newman brings to light the true impacts the crisis is having on the United States. By generalizing the population, expressing her words in a solemn tone, and through alternating between narrating and informing, Katelyn Newman calls all americans to be conscience of the opioid epidemic, and the effects it is having on the relationships between people within the United States. In hopes of painting a clearer social and cultural environment the opioid epidemic is taking place in, Newman generalizes much of the american population to fit her argument and picture. She states that all americans, ¨From different states, age groups, and backgrounds, are all tempted by the same thing: opioids¨. Although this sentence strengthens her argument with a strong and definite tone, Newman is saying that every person has been, or will …show more content…

She creates a fallacy that these drugs affect each abuser the same exact way. By saying that ¨everyone's body rapidly builds a tolerance for opioids¨, and that taking opioids always results in ¨a calm and happy high¨, she creates a false sense of universality among both drug users and drug abusers. She does not take into account that everyone's body is different, and everyone's body reacts to stimuli (including drugs) differently. Newman is not an addict herself, yet she creates an ¨ideal¨ picture about what the epidemic seems to be. Once again this strengthens her overall argument, despite generalizing the prescription drug abusers of the United