Argumentative Essay On Rwanda Genocide

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With the assistance of other nations, the Tutsi were on the extermination list. Men, women, children, and the elderly all became killers to become safe from being killed themselves (United States Rwanda). Another reason to enact the genocide was France putting pressure on Rwanda to make sure political reform was made in the country (Klinghoffer 19). South Africa and Egypt sent arms and ammunition to Rwanda to help the Hutu (Klinghoffer 21). China also sent mass imports of machetes to the Hutu to create the genocide (Prunier 177). With all imports in the hands of the Hutu, the inevitable attack was ready to be activated. Being the minority of Rwanda, the Tutsi were easily identifiable. They might have been the minority but the Tutsi treated everyone like their own children (Clark 286). Something that is different about the Tutsi is that a majority of them were christians (Clark 286). Even though the Tutsi were Christian many of the churches just stood by and watched the genocide happen (Kressel 250). Even ordinary villagers joined in on the killing in order to save their lives (United States Rwanda). With no way out, the Tutsi were like a diamond in the mud. …show more content…

The “patriotic” Hutu engaged primarily in what they claim is “self defense” to protect themselves from incrimination (Kressel 76). The massacre resulted in over half of all the Tutsi to be killed and brutally murdered (Kressel 74). The mass murders took place everywhere, there was no safe places, the Tutsi were murdered in churches and killed right on the streets (United States Rwanda). The Presidential guards also had started a house-to-house search for “enemies” and killed them on the spot to protect any “innocent” people (Prunier 229). The massacre had begun and the blood bath was now forming in

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