Argumentative Essay On Skin Cancer

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Who doesn’t know that sunlight is an essential prerequisite for life? We need it, animals need it, living organisms and plants depend from it. But, have we ever stopped, and thinked about the dangers it may bring? Sunlight may be extremely dangerous for us, humans. However, over the past 10 years, due to global warming, the atmosphere has started experiencing the effect of holes in the ozone layer. The presence of two forms of high ultraviolet rays have been imminent in our life daily basis: UVA and UVB. UVB is the main one, known for sunburns even if the day is full of clouds, our country that’s near the equator is even more exposed to this type of rays. UVA, the most dangerous one, provides rays that are responsible for the aging of the skin, decreasing the amount of …show more content…

In 2012, 4000 cases of skin cancer have been reported to occur every year. Skin cancer is defined as a disease, which usually happens due to mutations of DNA in the skin cells, causing the latter to grow uncontrollably, forming malignant masses of cancer cells. It is the 5th most common cancer in the world, after stomach, lung, prostate and breast cancer. Sources have affirmed that the majority of the cases from this disease are due to overexposure of the ultraviolet radiation rays.If we extend our thinking, we may realize that the contribution of physics to all aspects of life, material and nonmaterial, will be essential for the future. Well, everyone knows that physics currently faces serious problems in the world. Many of these problems affect science in general, but a number are specific to physics.An example of one of this problems would be the UV rays dangers, which is Solar Intensity, the topic i’ve been talking about. Physics is involved in order to make action. They are needed to assure the continued health of human beings, discovering solutions and answers,teaching and making a cultural world-wide