Argumentative Essay On Stem Cell Therapy

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Since the beginning of time technology has been advancing to better the human race. As time went by your race has gotten to the point where we are able to develop new drugs, vaccines and treatments to help out others in need. Stem cell therapy is one of the new therapies that are used to treat a disease or prevent it. Bone marrow transplants are one type of therapy that has been used for the treatment of leukemia for a while now. 1,6Stem cell therapy is used to replace damaged, diseased, or malfunctioning cells anywhere in the body with healthy cells.
When a stem cell is introduced to a specific part of the body, that stem cell receives signals that tell it how to mimic the other cells around it. One example is if a stem cell is given to the brain, it will take …show more content…

Stem cell therapy is a group of techniques that target damaged or destroyed tissue by a disease with healthy functioning cells. Many of the techniques that are being used are still new but their applications and benefits are very noticeable and strong. Even with the many benefits stem cell therapy has, there are still a number of stem cell therapies that are currently being investigated or used to treat a wide range of diseases. 2,1The ultimate goal of stem cell therapy is to replace the unhealthy cells with healthy ones that will allow proper cell functioning in the human body. In addition to this information, the potential uses for stem cell therapy continues to grow as we learn more about it, by which a healthy cell becomes a diseased one.

According to many researchers stem cell research has the potential to greatly impact the development of disease-modifying treatments for Parkinson's disease, and considerable progress has been made in creating dopamine-producing cells from stem cells. The development of new cell models of Parkinson’s disease is a promising area of stem cell research. Cell models