
Argumentative Essay On The Holocaust

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The Holocaust is most simply defined as a mass genocide of the Jewish population, inhuman and gruesome acts took place and will forever affect how us as a society view the world. This event in history has a worldwide impact and is extremely well known, or is it?
It is documented, that this genocide, is one of the most thoroughly recorded moments in history ever before. This makes it increasingly harder to believe that there are actually many individuals in the world who sincerely believe that the holocaust never even happened. There are eve more who question the amount of Jews who were victims of this trgedy and the methods of executing them. This is a present day example of anti-semetism and just goes to show how corrupt our society truly is. For those to disrespect the trials millions of innocent people had to go through is utterly horrible. Even regarding the truth that lies in the midst of their wrongful …show more content…

As states above there are so many resources and pieces of physical evidence to stand by the victims of the holocaust and to jusitfy their struggles, yet many seem to completely disregard it. The psycology behind the mindsets of those who create their own history is a much larger topic in itself. The denial and refusal to accept what occurred is further bringing down the generation of today and filling the vocalities with lies. The examples of present day anti semitism is nealry endless, one example we see is described by the US department of state as they say, “Holocaust distortion can also involve minimizing the impact of the Holocaust or claiming that fewer people were killed than has been established by overwhelming evidence. Holocaust distortion is a form of antisemitism

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