Planetinverts Research Papers

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Mason Sandoval Research Notes Homemade water fitters have come under scrutiny for not being good enough without boiling the water which may come into play with my design so I decided to find information about the water filter boiling issue from One of the most common methods for purifying water is to boil it. Everyone varies on how long to boil from 1 to 10 minutes. When water boils, any bacteria that may have been living in it will be killed, thus reducing your chance of getting sick when you drink the water. When done boiling, remove from the heat source, cool and drink. Remember, boiling will not remove contaminants such as heavy metals, salts, and chemicals. - Now this does answer …show more content…

These filter could have unsafe consequences so we must have more research on the issue. This article I found proves that sponge filters are only safe for aquariums. There are some who may say that sponge filters do not provide enough filtration nor do they truly clean the water as much as a canister filter can. This may be true as to water clarity, however sponge filters can prevent more deaths and are more than sufficient for filtering a shrimp tank. – This means the verdict is that we cannot use this filter type for our project because if it’s not fit for fish humans couldn’t handle the impurities in the project which could hurt people. In conclusion this research is important for Jupiter Ed 4 of 5 12/16/2017, 1:39 AM making the filters and helped a lot possibly saving a lot of time and effort. 719 words, 3,957 characters — last modified 12/14/17 4:34 pm Jupiter Ed 5 of 5 12/16/2017, 1:39

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