Argumentative Essay: Race And Native American Culture

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Hail to the Redskins! To ‘hail’ someone is to greet them or to say something good about them. It is also a way to tell people of your homeland.(Merrian-Webster) If we are saying something good about our Redskins or are acknowledging that our homeland includes the Native American culture, why is everyone so uptight about the term ‘Redskin’? Isn’t it obvious that there is no negative connotation behind the context of that word? Aren’t we trying to move away from a society where race is an issue? Look at it this way; if you make something taboo, then you create a distinction. If race is the distinction, then you are saying that race is important. When race become more than just being ok with who you are, it creates racism. To me, the Native Indians are creating racism by believing they are defined by this word. …show more content…

The Native Indians were true fighters and warriors. Their history is inspiring. I can clearly understand why a ball team would want to try to be like them. This totally innocent word has become more an issue of political correctness than being derogatory. I don’t think the term is used in an offensive manner to describe Native Americans as being less than human. The word 'Redskins’ is now considered racist due to a politically correct campaign as opposed to the true origin of the word, “which some believe is part of the Native Indian’s own vocabulary where they used it to distinguish themselves from Europeans and other