The Pros And Cons Of Dan Snyder

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Being apart of a potential negative situation is never good for business, whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a mom and pop store. These loss of customers and negative press could be detrimental to business and could possibly send one into foreclosure as well as bankruptcy. Why leave some that is questioning the integrity of your business to chance? I personally am a not confrontational guy, and it's my preference to diffuse situations before they get any worse. Now as to why Dan Snyder has refused to change the name of the Washington Redskins to something else could be a variety of reasons. Dan Snyder is a individual you could possibly have just lost his way and is in denial that the “redskins” caries a negative meaning behind it. From a recent interview Snyder believes a Redskin is, “A Redskin is a football player. A Redskin is our fans, the …show more content…

However, the money it would cost them to redistribute and re brand an the denomination could be in the millions. Jerseys, Memorabilia, Tickets, and any other merchandising would have to be transmuted from Redskins to whatever name decided upon. Additionally being that the Washington Redskins have been in existence for approximately 70 years and additionally three time Super Bowl champions could additionally play apart of this dilemma. If an owner has a winning and transcendent organization like the Redskins, Steelers, Giants, Bears, and Packers, their input should be taken into high regard, especially being a pillar of the NFL. I can marginally relate to Dan Snyder since he was not the one to engender the designation of the franchise, why should bear the encumbrance of ridiculing through media and other political organizations? As a solution, I believe Roger Goodell should engender an emolument package in turn of renaming the franchise. Any negative press for the Washington Redskins is negative for the NFL as