Research Paper On Dallas Cowboys

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Looking back on some history on the Dallas Cowboys since the ownership of Jerry Jones, it has been noticed that they have grown to become something bigger than just a professional football team. As state before, Forbes has ranked the Dallas Cowboys brand to be the not only the wealthiest sports brand in the U.S, but being the fourth biggest sports brand in the world (4). When looking at teams worldwide, Manchester is in 1st, the New York Yankees in 2nd, and Real Madrid in 3rd. All of these teams have a great foundation of fans that support them around the world and understand what it takes to be on top of the sports industry. All these three teams have unique marketing and sales tactics to get them in the ranks they are in today (4). Look …show more content…

This isn’t something that could be done from one day to another and is also difficult to do because football is an American sport. Many people do not recognize the Cowboys for the football team as much because they haven’t been doing so well in the past seasons. The most important part of the team is the brand name and how it has grown to become something more than a football team (5). The cowboys do not need to win a super bowl anymore to be successful. A similar situation could be when looking at a big car company, such as Ferrari. The company itself does not need one of their cars to win a race to be successful. The company does not care if that car wins or not because they are still making a lot of money from the publicity the brand is getting. Consumers will always view them as a valuable and desirable car brand out there, even if they cannot afford it. The brand itself is big and everyone will always want one. Overall, the cowboys may be in a losing streak, but it will not stop fans from going to the games. The entertainment provided is a huge aspect to the team and the …show more content…

He has had many ideas that have brought success to the team over the years. He knew what the fans wanted and how to provide entertainment for all ages (3). Jerry Jones came in the picture when he bought the Dallas Cowboys in 1989 and has created a team that is not only noticed for their football achievements but their business achievements in the sports market as well (3). Before moving into the sports industry, Jones had some football experience under his belt. He was the co-captain of the 1964 University of Arkansas team that had won a national championship (3). Jones had a vast amount of experience in football when taking on the position of being the owner and coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Jones has also had a great impact for sports through the use of his great marketing, promotions, and negotiating skills. Jones knew what fans wanted when the new Dallas Cowboys stadium was being constructed. He assisted with the concept, design, and construction of their new home. It is now recognized throughout the world brining in individuals from all types of backgrounds not only for their football games, but many other events. (3) The franchise itself was in a big growing market when Jones became the manager. So, he knew he had to take many risks to become successful (11). The NFL popularity was also just expanding in the 1960’s into something that was going to change sports in the

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