Going To College Essay

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Going to college is a great experience, but no one really asks why we go to college. Some go to college for the cultural reasons to make their parents proud. While others go for economical reasons to help their family grow. Some people go to college for financial reasons to help them make more money. While some just go to learn as much as possible. So why do people go to college? Culturally going to college could be expected of them. Their parents went to school and is a lawyer, so they expect their children to do the same. While other parents didn’t have the chance to go to college and expect their children to further their education. If the child doesn’t go to school with these types of parents the child might get disowned or shame the family 's name. Another cultural reason is to get a sense of socialism. It is culturally built in people to be social and sometimes people don’t get that socialism unless they are in school. Having roommates, group projects, or just meeting new people can help with the socialism. Which can be done by going to college. …show more content…

If they have a job and the job wants to promote them, but they do not qualify for the promotion they will have to go back to school to get the education they need. Another Economical reason would be family. Some people go to college to better provide for their family by getting a better degree and not having to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. Economically some people go to school to just learn. Going to school just to learn will help save time on figuring out what people like to do. They wont have to waist time going from job to job, and can change their degree to meet their