Arguments Against Communism

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In communism, since the role of the individual does not come into play the issue of gun control would not come into play. Ownership for anything, including a gun, would have to be authorized and distributed through the government. In communist state, gun control would rely solely on the government. There would be no issue of “gun control” as the government has full control over who has guns and who does not. In contrast, an individual’s rights in capitalism supersedes all other factors. The Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s rights to bear arms. The government can try to keep gun out of the hands of mentally ill and criminal minds, however, our constitution guarantees them their individual rights. Abortion is a topic that is hugely debated throughout the country. The argument often centers on “the women’s right to her own body, the embryo’s right to …show more content…

Many religions believe that same sex marriage is a sin. For others, it is a matter of the financial burden of providing benefits etc. to someone who does not fit the legal definition of “spouse”. In the same way that our religious freedom is guaranteed an individual’s right to choose their partner regardless of sex has been upheld by the Supreme Court. For example, there was a recent case against a clerk in Kentucky who refused to hand out a marriage license. Although it was the Supreme Court’s ruling to make same sex marriage legal, she was arrested in spite of her first amendment right to practice her religion. I can imagine if Karl Marx were alive today, he would disagree with the idea of same sex marriage based on his ideas of communism. The same sex marriage would not produce more people to join the proletariat and contribute to the whole of society. The individual’s rights would never come into play. Instead the common goal of the people would take precedence in the individual desire rather than focusing on the right of the