Arguments Against Designer Babies

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Designer Babies Although knowing what and how your child would look and act, it is not morally right to change God 's will due to genetic research engineering. Genetic engineering could cause a lot of problems, examples include; causing a gap in society, losing individuality, and termination of the embryo. The child cannot consent to having its body and life altered. The process To begin the process the doctor needs an embryo. The mother 's egg and the father 's sperm are put into a dish to fertilize. Once formed, they remove a cell from the embryo and genetically test it. The parents then decide if they want to insert the embryo into the womb or if the wish to terminate it. If they decide to continue with the operation, then they send …show more content…

Loria, Kevin describes some of the more positive outcomes to designer babies. "Hughes asks: If a parent were to come along and want to change the genome of their child "and the goal of this is to make sure a kid doesn 't have depression or doesn 't end up obese" — interesting in theory, but likely not actually possible given the complex web of environmental and genetic causes behind those conditions — "on what ground does the state then step in?" His argument is that we don 't stop people from passing on what we consider "bad" genetic codes, things that might make a person 's life harder, so we shouldn 't stop people from trying to provide someone with a "good" genetic code. Hughes doesn 't think we 're ready to make those sorts of changes yet; he says "it 'd be perfectly reasonable for the government to prohibit genetically modifying human embryos until it 's adequately tested and shown to be safe — still quite a high bar to pass. But he thinks that genetically enhanced humans in the form of designer babies are going to happen." …show more content…

In Huxley 's book, Brave New World, we see what the gap in society could do. Philip Ball describes the book and what it would most likely happen if designer babies would become popular amongst people. “Set in the year 2540, it describes a society whose population is grown in vats in an impersonal central hatchery, graded into five tiers of different intelligence by chemical treatment of the embryos. There are no parents as such – families are considered obscene. Instead, the gestating fetuses and babies are tended by workers in white overalls, “their hands gloved with a pale corpse‑coloured rubber”, under white, dead lights.” (Philip