Arguments Against Drones Research Paper

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Many of us would agree that drones also known as unmanned aerial vehicles are unethical, and a risky way of remote killing. The thought of remote killing can be very uncomfortable, and the use of drones is extremely dangerous and causes unnecessary killing. There are many arguments that can be made to prove that drones are not safe, and being used improperly against innocent civilians. Drone strikes are more harmful to innocent civilians than conventional strikes. It can be said that drones are a powerful weapon of war. Various people feel that drones are disrespectful, and morally problematic. One major issue is drones violating domestic law. There have been many drone strikes in Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries such as Yemen …show more content…

These operators suffer from conflict-zone trauma, and experience more stress disorders as much as those in combat. There are many people that do support drone strikes, and they believe that these aircrafts are much cheaper than other weapons. The dangerous factor is that drones are not a legitimate weapon of war. Essentially, the US government can employ drones domestically. They are undectable weapons, and can be used for surveillance of civilian's households without their consent. This is a form of invasion of their privacy, and a serious issue in which there are no …show more content…

An example can be in the east of Turkey, there have been terrorist attacks for the purposes of obtaining sovereignty and creating an independent Kurdish state. The Turkish army utilize drones in response to terrorist attacks. Furthermore it is true that terrorist activities are not actually overcome with the drone strikes as some people may assume. In addition probably the most dangerous concern is drones killing children. The highest number of child deaths occurred with 112 children killed. The drone strikes during the Bush presidency have resulted in the deaths of children. As well as the Obama administration has killed over 50 children, however the Obama administration is said to be reducing the number of children being