Arguments Against Political Parties

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The original framers of the Constitution did not anticipate the eventual establishment of a party system in Congress. Therefore, nothing was written into the Constitution as to the requirements for political parties. In fact, George Washington was strongly against political parties and warned of their danger (U.S. History, 2017). Initially, parties did not exist in America after the Constitution was written. Political parties began to emerge before the first election in order to encourage public discourse about certain issues and to gain support for their party’s political causes. Initially, two parties sprang up who fiercely opposed each other and operated outside of the government and political system. However, once elected into office these …show more content…

Therefore, nothing was actually written into the Constitution concerning the establishment of parties and parties did not exist until the first election. The initial establishment of parties started outside of the government system to voice concerns over issues to be addressed in each section of the United States as well as how the public thought they should be governed. However, once these parties established themselves in office they became part of the larger political environment and democratic government system. Furthermore, our voting system in America today also sustains the Democratic-Republican two-party system with single member district voting and the Electoral College. Therefore, I believe the Democratic and Republic parties have become what may be considered two different branches, each at times a minority and at times a majority, of the larger political system and democratic government in the United States Additionally, since the establishment of parties in the first elections they have always strongly opposed each other. As each party gains power and control in different seasons we can only trust this is the system God has allowed to remain in our society. God is always sovereign through what He has ordained. Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God and those in positions of authority have been placed there by