Arguments Against The Practice Of Induced Abortion

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Abortion as understood in common language, is the termination of a pregnancy before the child or foetus is able to sustain its life processes outside their mother’s uterus. Medical definitions extend to cover what is commonly referred to as ‘miscarriage’ under spontaneous abortion. My paper intends to voice my opinion against the practice of induced abortion, touching on the major disadvantages as known to me and as experienced. For the purposes of this paper, abortion will be used to refer to induced abortion
At the foundation of my argument is the fact that induced abortion principally infringes on the right of the unborn child to life. The chance of life is denied from an innocent soul that is unable to defend or fend for itself. It affords the couple that engaged in the act of procreation the ability to run away from their responsibilities.
Other that the obvious loss of life, abortion causes psychological trauma to the …show more content…

Simply put, it is forcing her to carry it to term. This stand is also augmented by the simple fact that the would-be parent(s) do not wish to have a baby or are not in a position to support one. The socioeconomic status of the couple as well as their age comes out as very big reasons for the termination of the said pregnancy. An adolescent girl in school who falls pregnant will weigh the pros of carrying the baby against her education, the financial status of her family and the stigma that satellites teenage

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