Aristotle Virtue Ethics Analysis

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Virtue ethics are ethical theories which focus on moral character rather than right action. The main focus of Aristotle’s ethics is on the person’s character, you must try to become a person with good character regardless of thinking about any end, outcome, happiness, consequence, action, reward or punishment. If you will be able to have a good and virtuous character right actions will take place automatically. The actions of a person with good character are right actions and the actions of a person with a bad character are wrong actions. Virtue ethics do not require you to focus on doing your duty or on actions that would bring about good consequences. Virtues are character traits when once established through nurturing become permanent and stable. For example, a virtuous person is someone who will be kind across most of the situations in their lifetime because that is their character and not because they are not being deontological or teleological.
Aristotle did not provide a set of rules or pattern to follow but according …show more content…

It is mostly concerned with correcting the wrong done by giving punishments to criminals (such as thieves or murderers) as justice requires the offenders to suffer in return. In this type of justice when wrong is done to someone, the moral equilibrium of the society is disturbed as someone becomes worse off. The moral equilibrium can be brought back to its normal state by giving punishment to the oppressor according to the crime committed. It is non comparative and it varies for person to person according to the case and crime committed. The person guilty of the crime should be given the punishment according to the crime they committed and the level of punishment should be decided according to the severity of the wrong behavior. It focuses on the individual as a person accountable for his crimes and the society is not involved while deciding the