
Aristotle Vs Aquinas

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It is interesting to observe how similar conclusion can be met by different means or thought processes. Thus is the moral life as discussed by Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. In their writings, the two men express similar ideas though they come from drastically different backgrounds. Aristotle was a philosopher who was striving to understand things through reason while Aquinas was a monk and theologian who was striving to understand God and his creation. Despite the drastically different backgrounds, the two men arrive at very similar conclusions when it comes to the role of God and the moral life. Both of their ideas stem from the origin of the universe and the function of man. Then they both discus the nature of man and the greatest good he can achieve and what that aim truly is. Overall, both a …show more content…

Both believe in a divine creator who made all things with an end or function, but these functions are different. For Aristotle this function is happiness, while for Aquinas this end is unity with God. The main difference in the view of morality between the two lies in the role of God. The god of Aristotle created things with an order but chose not to continue to govern, while the God of Aquinas takes on the role of both creator and governor. Not only did he create man inclined to natural law, but he enforces His mandates. This difference is key. Morals are necessary in both cases for them to reach their function to either achieve happiness or unity with God. In conclusion, both Aristotle and Aquinas have similar views on morals in the life of man when it comes to origin and purpose, however they differ when it comes to how they are given to man. In a way, they are both correct, but Aquinas seems to have a fuller understanding of the functions of morals in the life of

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